Ohio Country Bees is owned by its parent company, The Village YardFarmers, LLC, and is operated by Glenn and Julie Turner.

Julie and I have always had our hands in the animal/agricultural world, both in our professional and private lives. Among other things, we both have an interest in gardening that led us to see how sustainable we could be on our own chunk of land. That project started on our village lot where we grew a wide variety of vegetables using the square foot gardening method. This worked out OK for a year or so, but we soon realized we wanted to grow more vegetables than we could fit on our village lot. We gained access to a few acres of farm ground to grow on, and decided that if we were going to grow more vegetables, we should find a way to supply others with fresh vegetables too. That idea grew into The Village YardFarmers, LLC. This was a CSA (Community Sustainable Agriculture) program that we ran for several years in the Smithville area. The CSA supplied a quantity of in-season, fresh vegetables to our customers on a weekly basis. When we started growing vegetables on our village lot, the need for bees to pollinate our vegetables was very apparent. We weren’t seeing an over abundance of bees around and at that time we didn’t know much at all about bees and had never owned any ourselves. So we worked with a local beekeeper to get hives placed near our vegetable plants both on our lot and also later, on the farm ground we moved to. Our interest in the bees started to grow and a couple of years later we decided to take on having the bees ourselves. And that began our journey into beekeeping. The CSA was discontinued a few years ago but the honeybee part of it continues on in the form of Ohio Country Bees.

Ohio Country Bees is in the business of raising honeybees and harvesting products from the hive.  And also with enlightening as many people as we can along the way, about the fantastic creature God gave us in the honeybee. We will also have a blog where we’ll post topics we hope you will find interesting and helpful, and an online store where you can purchase bees, hive products or beekeeping supplies. We will be adding content as time goes along, so check back often to see what is new. Thanks for taking the time to look around. We hope we will be able to assist you with your beekeeping needs.

Glenn and Julie Turner
Ohio Country Bees