What’s up with the pollen this year?

Have you been experiencing the same thing we have so far this year? What is going on with the pollen supply? By this time of year (today is July 10) we would normally have several hives that we would be concerned about becoming pollen bound. They definitely would have stopped taking any pollen patty that we would have offered them since they would be bringing in plenty of their own. Other than if it were a new nuc that didn’t have any stores, non of our other hives would be taking much, if any, pollen patty by now. When we put a patty in pretty much any of our hives this year, they line up like pigs at a trough and start devouring it.                                                                                               

This year they haven’t stopped taking pollen patty and worse, they don’t have much of any pollen stored away yet. They are bringing in some pollen although it doesn’t seem that it is as high of quantity as other years. This Spring has been kind of weird, and wet. Seems like you can’t go more then two days in a row before it rains. We have to assume that the rain is messing up the pollen supply by washing it off. Not sure what the explaination is, but that is our assumption. We will see how things go as we get through the rest of the summer. Hopefully they will start putting away some stores for the winter and for use next Spring.