A break in the weather

Looks like we are getting into a February thaw that should give us a chance to get a look in our hives and see where they’re at. It might be hard to find a gap between the rain showers but do your best to find a time that will work. We did take a look at some of ours a couple of weeks ago and found one dead hive. From an initial quick look at the hive it appears they may not have reclustered fast enough and got chilled. We’ll know more when we do a full autopsy of the hive in the near future. Hopefully we don’t find too many more dead hives when we look at them this weekend. We have had to put sugar cakes on a couple of hives already this winter because they just didn’t get enough stores put away last year. As you may know, we had a lousy Fall flow and many hives went into Winter under weight. Keep an eye on your hives from now through Spring and feed as needed. They are going to start ramping up shortly, especially if the weather stays moderate, and will burn through any remaining stores pretty fast.